3 Ways to Wear Ugly Sneakers Trend 2019

Shoes, especially sneakers, are still the favorite item for some people everywhere. Are you one of them? Sneakers, indeed, give comfort for daily use. It can easily be mixed with any kind of clothes which allows you to be ready in no time. FYI, ugly sneakers are the latest shoe trend. Why is it called ugly? Because it has a big and bulky size with thick soles gving bad appearance. However, its unique shape makes some people love it and it turns out it created a fashionable look for daily use. You can also match it with any style you like, from casual to formal.

This trend can be proven by the Triple S of Balenciaga selling well. The American artists and supermodels also use it for their outfits, such as Bella Hadid, Kendall Jenner, and Estelle Pigault. So, do not miss this trend! GoToMalls is going to give you three ways to wear ugly sneakers:

Mix with Dress for Vintage Style

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The dress is common for cute and feminine look matched with flat shoes or high heels. But if you feel bored with it, you can change the shoe with these big sneakers. The picture above is the example of the blend among dress and sneakers which creates a super stylish appearance. The monochrome tone is chosen by mixing the black dress with white polka dot pattern, and white sneakers are never going wrong. There is a vintage image added with the modern style and also a sexy touch from the cleavage of the dress but still looks great.

You can find our brand recomendation for you which can be your reference to buy your new Ugly Sneakers.


Casual Mix with Oversize Shirt & Short

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What else can be matched with sneakers except for casual style? The relax and comfortable feeling always become the most choice as it does not require much time to prepare. Ugly sneakers will be the perfect partner for your casual time, for hang out or just date with your sweetheart. Combine it with oversized T-shirt or sweater and shorts which creates a super comfy look. You can copy the style of the girl in the picture above. She combines a grey sweater with fresh floral shorts then she chooses the ugly sneakers with three colors of grey, green, and yellow which is so harmonious with her attire.

Mix with Suit for Formal Look

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image credit: Pinterest

Do you want to be formal but too lazy to wear heels? Just change it with sneakers! This shoe is also compatible with formal attire like a suit. Without diminishing the formal image, your look will be more fashionable. You can apply this style to attend events or just hang out in malls. Choose a suit with blazer and pants, then add a tank top or plain blouse as the inner. For the sneakers, you can choose the one with a little pattern as the focal point of your appearance. Please note that you must match the color between the two items so it will appropriate each other.

That is the ideas of wearing ugly sneakers for your inspirations. Do you have more ideas? You can have it with your own creations and be ready to make people around you amaze with your look! Check Gotomalls.com to find the ugly sneaker from some brands.

