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HAYYLIFE Panci Listrik Dengan Steamer Multifungsi-Panci Serbaguna Lapisan Keramik 18 CM HL-BF-521

IDR 280,000

IDR 139,999 - IDR 227,760

Available At


Rp. 139,999

Rp. 280,000



Rp. 142,900

Rp. 0



Rp. 227,760

Rp. 250,536

Product Specifications

Product Category

Electronics & Gadgets

Product Descriptions

Multifungsi electric cooking pot, steamer / Panci Listrik lapisan keramik 18CM
Termasuk Steamer/Kukusan dan Tutup Kaca
Nggak ada lagi kata repot saat memasak dengan menggunakan Panci Elektrik. Panci ini bisa kamu gunakan dengan menggunakan aliran listrik, tinggal colok saja kabel Panci Elektrik ke steker dan nyalakan, alat ini siap kamu pakai. Panci Elektrik bisa kamu gunakan untuk memanaskan masakan berkuah misalnya sup.

Buat kamu yang sedang traveling, alat masak yang satu ini bisa jadi alternatif kamu untuk menghangatkan makanan tanpa harus menggunakan kompor. Panci Elektrik mudah untuk dibawa kemana saja dan juga terbuat dari bahan berkualitas.

[ Product Feature ]

-Memilik daya tampung yang besar
-Cocok untuk anak kost atau mahasiswa
-Mudah untuk dibawa kemana saja seperti traveling

[ Product Info ]

Tegangan : 220 V / 50 Hz
Power : 600 w
1.2 L
Tinggi Kukusan 5 cm,Diameter 15 Cm
Colors ( Warna ) : Hijau, Kuning dan Pink

[ Product Care ]

Matters Needing Attention :
1. Clean the with detergent and soft cloth before firts use. Do not use the pot with wire balls or other hard objects to avoid destroying the non-stick ceramic layer. It is strictly forbidden to wash the product directly in water or under the tap, so as to avoid leakage or leakage or malfunction of the electronic components.
2. Please use the power supply voltage with qualified grounding protection and consistent with the nameplate marking to ensure safe use.
3. When using, please place the cooker on a smooth table to ensure that children can not touch it, in order to prevent burns caused by misoperation or dumping, do not put it on carpets, tablecloths or other soft objects, in order to prevent blocking the vent, affecting the heat dissipation effect and serious fire accidents!
4. It is normal to smoke slightly or have a slight burning odor when using it for the firts time. Please rest assured that it can be used. Because the surface or electronic components has moisture-proof grease not completely removed.
5. Water level should not exceed the highest water level to prevent boiling water splashing injury or cause leakage and short circuit.
6. A high temperature protector is installed inside the electric cooker. When the temperature of the bottom of the cooker exceeds 165 degrees, the power will automatically be cut off. When the temperature drops to 140 degress, the heating will continue.
7. Because the heating pipe is easy to produce scales ( minerals in water ) at the bottom of the pot when it is heated quickly, it will appear white spots at the beggining, and the color of minerals in the water will deepen after a long time or to many minerals. It is suggested to soak in white vinegar and the heat it for cleaning or use detergent to clean it.
8. The product should be cleaned after use and ensure that the interior is not watered or affected by dampness for the next use.

Product Tags

HAYYLIFE, Panci Listrik, steamer, Multifungsi, Serbaguna, HL-BF-521

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