Paket Data
Pilih Kota Kamu
Palembang, Indonesia


We have created this privacy policy (the "Policy") to explain our privacy practices. When you use Gotomalls, you should understand when and how personal information is collected, used, disclosed and protected.

"Gotomalls" or the "Service" means the mobile and the desktop website, being capable of dispatching information, promotions and services onto the customer’s device and handling payment and available in particular on the url www.gotomalls.com and its subdomains.

The Policy applies only to the Service and does not apply to any third-party websites, services or applications, even if they are accessible through the Service. Your linking to a third-party website, service or application is entirely at your own risk and subject to the terms and conditions and privacy policy of such website, service or application.

  1. Definitions

    "User" or "you" or "your" means anyone who uses the Service.

    "DominoPos" or "we" or "us" or "our" means DominoPos Pte Ltd.

    "DominoPos Group" shall means DominoPos and/or any of its subsidiaries or business partners having entered into any agreement with DominoPos to operate Gotomalls in any country.

  2. Information collected about you

    DominoPos Group collects a variety of personal information about you. Personal information is information that can be directly associated with you, such as a name, address, telephone number, email address and any information about you which you have provided to us in registration forms, application forms or any other similar forms and/or any information about you that has been or may be collected, stored, used and processed by us from time to time and includes sensitive personal data such as data relating to health, religious or other similar beliefs, or information about activities directly linked to you ("Personal Information").

    which allows to secure your financial data and the transactions through your use of the Service.

    Our definition of Personal Information does not include “aggregate” information. Aggregate information is data DominoPos Group collects about a group or category of services or customers from which individual customer identities have been removed. Aggregate data helps us understand trends and customer needs so that DominoPos Group can better consider new services or tailor existing services to customer desires. The aggregate data also might be purchased by or shared with a third party.

    In addition to the Personal Information you provide to us directly, DominoPos may collect your Personal Information from a variety of sources such as:

    • Fill up application or registration forms or other similar forms, or thru the sign up functionality.
    • From Gotomalls’ social media pages, if you follow, like or are a fan of such pages;
    • When you interact and communicate with us at any events or activities;
    • When you enter contests, or promotional events, organized by us or by any of our business partners
    • When you provide ratings, reviews, register to loyalty programs, or games in Gotomalls

    Here are the types of personal and other information DominoPos Group collects. You should refer to the rest of this Policy to see how DominoPos Group uses, disclose, and protect that information:

    • Information you give us
      The Service require you to register and set up an account with DominoPos Group. When you create an account, DominoPos Group asks you to provide us with certain Personal Information.
    • Automatically collected information
      DominoPos Group automatically receive certain types of information when your device(s) link to Gotomalls.
    • Additional information about you that DominoPos Group obtains from third parties
      DominoPos Group may sometimes obtain Personal Information about you from third parties when you decide to use your account set up with such third parties to set up an account with us (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Google+ …) and DominoPos Group may use it to re-market our Service or provide a more tailored experience with our Service.
  3. Financial data – payment

    For the avoidance of doubt, when a transaction through the Service takes place, DominoPos Group will not collect your financial data (including, but not limited to, bank card details). All your financial data are collected and stored by a certified third party payment gateway.

  4. Use of Personal Information

    DominoPos Group may use and process your Personal Information for business and activities of DominoPos or DominoPos Group, which shall include, without limitation, the following (the "Purpose"):

    • Respond to your questions, comments and feedback from you, or requests for additional information;
    • Provide you with quotes that you have specifically requested or communications you have indicated you wish to receive (e.g., e-newsletters, reminders of subscription expiration dates, vouchers);
    • Provide, improve, deliver our Service to you;
    • Process your participation in any events, activities, focus group, research studies, contests, promotions, polls, surveys or any productions;
    • Process, manage or verify your application for subscription to the Service and to provide you the benefits offered to subscribers;
    • Manage our customer relationship with you and to provide you with customer support;
    • Research and analyze your use of or interest in our Service and those products and services offered by others;
    • Help you find the most relevant information for your situation by customizing our Service to optimize your experience;
    • Analyze the effectiveness of our Service;
    • Communicate with you via email, telephone, mobile, text (SMS), social media, pushed notifications and, websites and update you with Gotomalls related news and information or to tell you about products or services that may be of interest to you, if you allow us to do so;
    • Verify your eligibility and deliver prizes in connection with promotions, contests and sweepstakes;
    • Perform the functions described to you at the time of collection.

    In addition to the Purpose, DominoPos Group may also use and process your Personal Information for other purposes, such as, without limitation ("Additional Purposes"):

    • Send you alerts, notifications, newsletters, updates, mailers, promotional materials, special privileges, festive greetings from us, our business partners, sponsors or advertisers;
    • Notify and invite you to events, activities or contests organized by us, our business partners, sponsors, clients or advertisers;
      process your registration to participate in or attend an event or activity and to communicate with you regarding your attendance at the event or activity;
    • Share your Personal Information amongst our subsidiaries, associate companies and jointly controlled entities as well as with our agents, vendors, suppliers, clients, business partners, contractor or service provider who may communicate with you to market their products, services, events, contests or promotions, by way of post, telephone call, short message service (SMS), by hand and/or by email.
  5. Disclosure of Personal Information to third parties

    Information about our customers is one of our most important business assets, and therefore we strive to protect it and keep it confidential.

    DominoPos Group shall not disclose Personal Information other than in accordance with the Policy. Your provision of Personal Information means you agree and consent that DominoPos Group may collect, use and disclose your Personal Information under the Policy. Consent may be given expressly, by registering to Gotomalls (sign up), signing a document, agreeing through electronic means or verbally, or impliedly by providing Personal Information voluntarily. The Service can only be offered if you provide Personal Information to DominoPos Group, and if you choose not to provide us with such required Personal Information, DominoPos Group may not be able to offer you the Service.

    Your Personal Information may be transferred, accessed or disclosed to third parties for the Purposes and Additional Purposes. Further, DominoPos Group may engage other companies, service providers or individuals to perform functions on its behalf, and consequently may provide access or disclose to your Personal Information to such service providers or third parties. The third parties include, without limitation:

    • DominoPos Group business partners, which include parties with whom DominoPos Group collaborates with for certain events, programs, contests and activities;
    • Event management companies and event sponsors;
    • Marketing research companies;
    • Professional advisors and external auditors, including legal advisors, financial advisors and consultants;
    • Other entities within DominoPos Group; and
    • Governmental authorities to comply with statutory, regulatory and governmental requirements.

    DominoPos Group may engage third-party service providers (including, information technology (IT) service providers for infrastructure, software and development work) to work with DominoPos Group to administer, provide and improve the Service, and these third-party service providers have access to your Personal Information only to perform these services for DominoPos Group.

  6. Transfer of Personal Information

    Your Personal Information may be transferred to, stored, used and processed in a jurisdiction other than your home nation or otherwise in the country, state and city in which you are present while using any services provided by DominoPos Group (“Alternate Country”), to companies under DominoPos Group which are located outside of your home nation or Alternate Country and/or where DominoPos Group’s servers are located outside of your home nation or Alternate Country. You understand and consent to the transfer of your Personal Information out of your home nation or Alternate Country as described herein.

  7. Non-personal identifiable information

    In order to provide and improve the Service, DominoPos Group may use and disclose to our service providers and analytics partners non-personal identifiable information that DominoPos Group collects, including cookie data. DominoPos Group retains the right to use, at our reasonable discretion, any information, in any form, about more than one individual where the identity of the individuals is not known and cannot be inferred.

    If you do not wish for your Personal Information to be collected via cookies, you may deactivate cookies by adjusting your internet browser settings to disable, block or deactivate cookies, by deleting your browsing history and clearing the cache from your internet browser.

  8. Social Network Sharing

    When you use any social network sharing function DominoPos Group include with the Service (for example, sharing on Facebook), your sharing activity will be processed through a third party’s site or service. These third parties’ privacy policies, not ours, govern the collection and use of the information collected on those sites or networks, including Personal Information.

  9. Protecting us and our Us

    DominoPos Group may release Personal Information when DominoPos Group believes that doing so is appropriate to comply with applicable laws, regulations or legal requests; to enforce or apply our policies and guidelines; to initiate, render, bill, and collect amounts owed to us; to protect our rights or property; to protect the safety of DominoPos Group’ Users; to address fraud, security or technical issues; to prevent or stop activity that DominoPos Group considers to be illegal or unethical; or if DominoPos Group reasonably believes that an emergency involving immediate danger of death or serious physical injury to any person requires disclosure of communications or justifies disclosure of records without delay.

  10. General Matters

    1. Unsubscribing to DominoPos communications
      You may unsubscribe at any time from the Service by sending an email at cs@gotomalls.com. Upon unsubscribing to the Service, your Personal Information will be removed from our system and you will ceased to receive communication from DominoPos Group. Unsubscribing to the Service will also remove all of your access to features such as, but not limited to, loyalty programs, contests, promotional events, ratings, reviews, games etc.
    2. Accessing, modifying and deleting your Personal Information
      You have the right to access your Personal Information at any time and modify it or delete it. We will take steps to delete your information as soon as is practicable, but some information may remain in archived/backup copies for our records or as otherwise required by law. If you wish to access, verify and/or request to modify your Personal Information, request to limit the processing of your Personal Information for the Additional Purposes and/or make any inquiries regarding your Personal Information please send us a written notice in this regard to this email address: cs@gotomalls.com
    3. Data Location
      Your data may be stored on servers located in a country other than where you reside. Personal Information is always subject to the local laws of the jurisdictions within which it is collected, used, disclosed and/or stored, and may be accessed by governmental authorities and law enforcement agencies in those jurisdictions.
    4. Personal Information from Minors and Other Individuals
      As a parent or legal guardian, please do not allow the minor (individuals under 18 (eighteen) years of age) under your care to submit Personal Information to DominoPos Group. In the event that such Personal Information is provided to DominoPos Group, you hereby consent to the processing of the minor’s Personal Information and personally accept and agree to be bound by this Policy and take responsibility for his or her actions.
      In some circumstances you may have provided personal data relating to other individuals (such as your spouse, family members or friends) and in such circumstances you represent and warrant that you are authorized to provide their Personal Information to DominoPos Group and you have obtained their consent for their Personal Information be processed and used in the manner as set forth in this Policy.
    5. Third party websites
      Our Services may contain links to other websites and services and you may use your account set up with a third party website to register with us. Any information that you provide on or to a third-party website or service is provided directly to the owner of the website or service and is subject to that party’s privacy policy. The Policy does not apply to such websites or services, and we are not responsible for the content, privacy or security practices and policies of those websites or services. To protect your information we recommend that you carefully review the privacy policies of other websites and services that you access.
    6. Sale/Merger
      Information about our Users is a business asset of DominoPos. Consequently, information about our Users, including Personal Information, may be disclosed as part of any merger or acquisition involving any entity of DominoPos Group, the creation of a separate business to provide a new service, the sale or pledge of DominoPos’ assets, as well as in the event of an insolvency, voluntary liquidation, involuntary liquidation, scheme of arrangement, judicial management, involuntary reorganisation or receivership.
    7. Security
      Your Personal Information is treated as private, confidential information by us and we strive to ensure that Personal Information under our control, regardless of format, is protected and kept secure at all times. Please be aware, however, that no method of transmitting information over the Internet or storing information is completely secure. Accordingly, we cannot absolutely guarantee the protection of any information shared with us.
    8. Policy Changes
      We may update the Policy from time to time to reflect changes to our information practices. If we make material changes to the Policy, we will notify you by prominently posting the revised Policy (including the revision date). Your continued access or use of the Service constitutes your acceptance of the Policy as revised. It is your responsibility to review the Policy frequently.
      In the event of any conflict between the English and other language versions, the English version shall prevail.
    9. Contacting Us
      If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the Policy, please contact us at cs@gotomalls.com
      By communicating with DominoPos Group, using the Service, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Policy and agree and consent to the use, processing, share and transfer of your Personal Information by Dominopos Group as described in this Policy.

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